I like to try and take our monthly family portraits somewhere that will have a memory attached, a holiday, day out, birthday or special event. It seems to make them that bit more special when i look back.
These ones were taken on holiday in France, at the poxy ruins no less. A holiday that wasn’t actually a ‘holiday’ as such, but it’s one that we will be much more likely to laugh about, than forget.
We’ve had an alright month I think although I can’t really remember much of what we have done, except that it culminated in a nasty sickness bug. I had thought that looking after two sick children was pretty close to hell on earth until i experienced the flip side and was the one who was ill. Dealing with the tears, trauma’s and putting up with my body being used as a human climbing frame whilst trying not to puke was pretty special. I have never been so glad to be back to normal self the last couple of days. Oh and to be back on the gin of course, a bank holiday with no gin was just plain wrong.
The boys are well, growing up oh so quickly. Since i started getting F’s hair cut it has just gotten shorter and shorter, i guess to match the little boy he has fast been becoming. Only 9 months ago i was deciding on whether the mass of golden ringlets should get the chop, now they are but a distant memory.
And our little S, who i usually refer to as the baby, is hardly a baby at all anymore, i should probably start calling him a toddler. He’s a happy bumbling little thing with an increasing array of words and a determined adventurous streak so alike that of his own dear bro. God help us.
We have a very busy June on the horizon, next weekend I go away to Spain for 3 WHOLE NIGHTS, with a very dear friend for a well needed child free break. This is in part payment for the fact that i will become a world cup widow when the husband buggers off to Brazil for 10 days mid month. I know, i know but he spun me a line about it being his dream since he was a little boy….
And then of course there is Britmums – the geeky blogging conference that i swore i would never attend! How times have changed, so sucked in am i now that I’m counting down the days. I am mostly looking forward to popping the cherry of the shockingly high amount of gin virgins that shall be attending – I’m looking at you Lucy!
Finally thank you so much again to everybody who voted for me in the BiB awards – i am made up to be in the finals, and still struggling to believe that my name is there. Here is the link if you also want to check out all the other great blogs that have made it through.
Have a fantastic June everybody xxx
This post is linked up to the very lovely Lucy at Dear Beautiful’s family portrait project, a great way to make sure you get a monthly family snap :) click the button below to read more posts or join in.

P.S. My new book The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie Brooks is out on the 3rd March 2022! It's aimed at 9-12 year olds and you can buy it here :) As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
I love that first photo with the arches. I can’t wait till Britmums either. Must organise myself. I still need to buy train tickets!
Thanks Tas :) and not long now! x
I have never drunk gin! Ha! Love these photos and your super cool shades! Can’t wait to see you at BritMums xx
Not another one?! ;)) x
HOLD THE PHONE – NEVER DRUNK GIN?! I was about to comment to say I loved the photo but this is an urgent matter! URGENT!
There are loads of them Annie! We are going to have our work cut out ;)
What a backdrop! Hope you enjoy Britmums! #Me&Mine
Brazil for 10 days. Milk it! Milk IT !!! He better be back in time for Britmums – I’m beginning to worry now :) Have a great time in Spain – I’m doing something similar later in the year – you definitely deserve it Katie. Please introduce me to the Hogarthian pleasures of gin, though not until the Saturday in case I say silly things to everyone I meet. (Might do that anyway) X
Don’t worry Jo i will milk it and don’t worry i will introduce you well :) x
Gorgeous pics. I love the idea of picking somewhere with a memory attached for them. Looking forward to drinking gin with you at Britmums. X
Thanks Karen x
Such lovely photos! You are a gorgeous family and I love the poxy ruins! hehe x
Wow, little F does look like a big boy now. I loved his curls, he looked so cute with them. I guess it’s time to grow up? Really? So soon! Oh dear… Lucky husband to have such an understanding wife :) Oh and I’m so glad you made it to the finalist. Hope the outfit is sorted ;) As for the Brit Mums conference, enjoy! And go easy on the gin virgins ;) x
Thanks Dean! Sad you won’t be coming though :( boo x
Lovely photos and what a lovely idea for a link up. Glad you are feeling much better . Good luck at the BiBs
Thanks so much Abby! x
These are lovely :) And I feel your pain… the Twinkles had the sickness bug last month — it was hell on earth for 10 days. Glad you’re all better. Caro | The Twinkles Momma X
10 days! Wow you need a medal for that! x
My fun virginity is more than ready to be taken, I’m starting to feel like I’m not a proper grown up because I haven’t tried it! Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, there is literally nothing worse when you have babies to look after. And talking of babies, I think you’re right, your baby really doesn’t look like one anymore. Scary how that suddenly happens overnight! x
Yay! Glad to hear it :) Looking forward to meeting you soon x
Cute photos ;) x Have a fab three child-free days in Spain nxt month and hope everyone is recovered now! xx
Fab, I can never decide if it’s worse looking after 2 sick children or 2 healthy ones when you’re sick. Either way it feels like you’ve sunk into a deep smelly hole and can’t escape.
I am also a gin virgin! The baby looks even less like a baby than my baby and he is getting big!
Ah the poxy ruins have come good after all, they’re gorgeous photos! And yay for Britmums, I’m looking forward to seeing you there, although I might have to pass on the gin just this once!
I will let you off Carie – you have a good enough excuse! Only this once mind :) x
S really doesn’t look like a baby anymore at all. Crazy. LL has ‘turned’ this month as well- very bittersweet. Literally cannot wait to meet you at Britmums, Whoop Whoop! X
Eeek me too!! :)x
Gorgeous photo, Katie! I’m the same, I call my baby a baby even though he’s nearly 20 months! Sorry to hear you’ve been poorly – it must have been bad for you to be off the booze! The only time I have ever called my hubs home from work is when my oldest was poorly and my second was tiny and I was holding him trying not to be sick down his poor baby neck. Hope you are all better. At least it’s given your liver some power to rejuvenate for BritMums ;) x
My husband also off to Brazil, assured me it will be all work though ;-)
Congrats on making the finals and best of luck to you on the night.
Wow! You guys sound like you’ve been crazy busy!! Very jealous of your Spain adventure and your OH’s going to Brazil?! Amazing!!
What a month you’ve had – yuck to the sick bug! Sounds like you’ve also got a busy few weeks ahead, cannot believe you said ‘yes’ to the husband going to Brazil – you’re losing your touch lady! Then again, you are having two weekends away so I guess that kind of makes up for it a bit. Really looking forward to meeting you at Britmums – what are you telling your real life friends about where you’re going? I’ve yet to work that one out!
Hope you are feeling better! Enjoy your weekend(s) away! I’ve never been to Britmums as it’s too far for me to travel but it sounds like a great event!
Boooo to the sickness bugs but the photos are really lovely. I have a “thing” for “poxy ruins”.
See you at Britmums! x
Love your family portrait this month, what a stunning location. You have the perfect little family ever. So cute. Shades and all. I can’t wait for BritMums, and to finally meet you in person!! The great Katie!!! Lol I have never tasted gin ever! Everyone seems to rave about it though. So proud of you on the Bibs Finals. You deserve it hunny and I think you will definitely WIN!!! Don’t be surprise your blog is amazing and you have a huge amount of faithful followers to cheer you on, me included!!!! #me&mine
Brit Mums Is going to be fab! Can’t wait. A really lovely family portrait!
Boo for sick bugs but hurrah for holidays and great me and mine photos – these are lovely. Have a great time at BritMums (I won’t be there this year) and good luck in the BIBs x
Gorgeous photos, sorry to hear you haven’t been well though…it sounds pretty grim! I’m a first timer at BritMums too this year. Not long to go now!! #meandmine